Outerpeace is a Chicago-based, non-profit organization with a mission to expand access to the arts, music, and sports programs to Chicago’s youth communities.
How WE do this
We do this by crowdfunding loans that kids in Chicago can use to pay for arts, music, and sports programs that would otherwise be out of their reach. These interest-free loans are repaid in community service hours, not in dollars. Every $50 is worth 1 hour of community service.
How Outerpeace works
A borrower applies for a loan to cover the cost of art, music, or sports programs.
The loan goes through and underwriting and approval process.
Lenders crowdfund the loan in increments of $25.
Outerpeace facilitates payment directly to the arts, music, or sports programs.
The borrower “repays” the loan with community service, not money. Every $50 is worth 1 hour of community service. When the service hours for the loan are met, the loan is forgiven. The service hours must be completed within 6 months of the loan approval.
100% of the loan amount goes to the borrower. Outerpeace does not take a fee.
Outerpeace covers operating costs by the generosity of our lenders, who are mostly Chicago-based businesses interested in building and supporting a service-based Chicago community.